Friday, August 30, 2019

A Good MBA | 5 Abilities To Gain

Hey Readers !!
How are you ?

We often come across this question about what to expect out of our MBA degree. What should be our agenda or how do we measure the effectiveness of our MBA? Whether our MBA was a job well done or 2 years of aimless wandering?

To help you guys tackle this problem I would like to layout 5 key expectations that you should have from your MBA. Your MBA should provide you with these 5 abilities.

I want you guys to develop the following 5 aspects and the related mindsets so as to gain the maximum from your MBA program.

  1. Managing Self                                            Reflective Mindset
  2. Managing Organisation                              Analytical Mindset
  3. Managing Relationship                              Collaborative Mindset
  4. Managing Change                                      Action Mindset
  5. Managing Context                                      Worldly Mindset

I came across these during my MBA. Hope you find it helpful too.

Do share your thoughts about these in the comment section.
Happy Reading !!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Top 10 Must Read Books for MBA students

Hey Readers !
Hope you guys are doing well.

You know what they say about reading books, "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body". MBA is all about gaining an all round perspective. The more you read the more your mind develops and the better you are able to think.

Some of the books that I would like to recommend you guys are:
  1. "The Goal" - Eliyahu M. Goldratt
  2. "Seven Strategy Questions: A Simple Approach for Better Execution" - Robert Simmons
  3. "How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In" - James C. Collins
  4. "Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies" - James C. Collins & Jerry I. Porras
  5. "Great by Choice" - James C. Collins & Morten Hansen
  6. "Zero to One" - Blake Masters and Peter Thiel
  7. "All Marketers Are Liars Tell Stories" - Seth Godin
  8. "Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?" - Seth Godin
  9. "Nawabs, Nudes, Noodles: India Through 50 Years of Advertising" - Ambi Parameswaran  
  10. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - Stephen Covey
There are a lot of other great books to be read. These are my recommendations to you.

Do tell me your favorite books that you found helpful during your MBA in the comments section.

Happy Reading!!

Business Strategy : Ansoff Matrix

Hey Readers !
How are you ?

Today we will learn about a powerful strategy tool - The Ansoff Matrix.
Ansoff Matrix is a "strategic planning tool". It helps devise strategies for future growth. It can be used to make a variety of strategic choices like products to sell or(and) which markets to compete in. Remember Strategy is all about choices. Ansoff Matrix is one such model that helps makes us choices.
It is a highly popular model and can be applied to variety of situations. It can help managers make important marketing as well as business strategies and thus choose the "right growth strategy".

Let's have a look at the Ansoff Matrix
You may notice that risk increases from Left to right and top to bottom. This means "Diversification"is theoretically the riskiest. A business may choose one or all 4 choices. This model just shows the relative risk associated with each choice.

Now let us have a look at the Strategic implications of all the 4 choices.

  1. Market Penetration:
    This is a growth strategy where a business chooses to sell existing products in the existing market
    Aim - Increase market share by selling more of the existing product to same customers and get customers to buy more

    Examples: McDonald's opening new outlets in the same city

    It is the least riskiest strategy since the business knows about its existing customers. The business understands their needs, liking, preference, taste etc.
    However, the question remains, is the market growing fast enough to sustain this growth model of the business?
  2. Product Development:
    This is a growth strategy where a business chooses to sell new products in the existing market

    Aim - Play on the strength of established business and exploiting the existing customer base

    Examples: Brand Extension by Coca Cola (Diet Coke) | Technological innovations (Phillips cordless trimmer to Phillips cordless+battery operated trimmer)

    It is more riskier than market penetration. It is extremely important that the company is "first to market" so as to take maximum advantage of the growth opportunity. It is also important to do a good market research before launching new products. Market research helps to gain valuable insights into the customer's needs and preferences
  3. Market Development:
    This is a growth strategy where a business chooses to sell existing products in the new market

    Aim - To attract new customers in different segment

    Examples:  Exports | New distribution channels such as e-commerce etc. | Price discrimination

    Companies often introduce different pricing policies to attract different segments of customers.
    Companies may use these strategies to move from discount segments to premium segment customers or vice-versa.
    (GAP inc. has brands such as "Banana Republic" for premium customers while for lower end or not so affluent customers it has introduced "Old Navy") | (Tesco's attempt to enter USA market was a huge disaster)

    It is an ideal strategy when your traditional markets have become saturated or international markets are growing at a rapid pace. However risk remains whether existing products will suite newer markets or not.
  4. Diversification:
    This is a growth strategy where a business chooses to sell new products in the new market
    This is, theoretically, the riskiest option (remember the risk arrows)

    Aim - To exploit new business opportunities

    Examples:  Alphabet Inc. | Tata Group | Wadia Group | Samsung

    These successful examples show that Diversification may not be that risky. However there are some examples of failure also ( ITV buying 'Friends reunited' - a social networking site | HMV diversifying into entertainment business )

    Hope you guys found it interesting and got to learn something new .

    Do let me know in the comments if you guys have some other examples or share your opinions.
    If you would like me to cover a particular topic, kindly mention that also in the comments.

    Thank You !