Friday, August 30, 2019

A Good MBA | 5 Abilities To Gain

Hey Readers !!
How are you ?

We often come across this question about what to expect out of our MBA degree. What should be our agenda or how do we measure the effectiveness of our MBA? Whether our MBA was a job well done or 2 years of aimless wandering?

To help you guys tackle this problem I would like to layout 5 key expectations that you should have from your MBA. Your MBA should provide you with these 5 abilities.

I want you guys to develop the following 5 aspects and the related mindsets so as to gain the maximum from your MBA program.

  1. Managing Self                                            Reflective Mindset
  2. Managing Organisation                              Analytical Mindset
  3. Managing Relationship                              Collaborative Mindset
  4. Managing Change                                      Action Mindset
  5. Managing Context                                      Worldly Mindset

I came across these during my MBA. Hope you find it helpful too.

Do share your thoughts about these in the comment section.
Happy Reading !!

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